They continued in these roles until the end of the 4Kids-produced dub. English voice actresses Megan Hollingshead ( Nurse Joy) and Lee Quick ( Officer Jenny) both left the show during this season, with Bella Hudson taking over the role of Nurse Joy and Jamie Davyous Owens taking over Officer Jenny from Maxxed Out! and The Ribbon Cup Caper, respectively.Home video releases North American DVD releases Main article: List of English language Advanced Challenge home video releases (Region 1) Australian DVD releases Main article: List of English language Advanced Challenge home video releases (Region 4) Trivia May participates in the following Pokémon Contests: Ash and friends try to prevent the theft of data regarding the ancient Pokémon Groudon and Kyogre, only to be tricked by Brodie, a member of Team Magma. Team Aqua holds hostage the scientists at the Weather Institute.Ash, May, and James participate at a PokéRinger competition.Professor Oak pays a visit with the Kanto Starter Pokémon.Ash helps Cozmo in destroying the sample. Chimney, Team Magma and Team Aqua chase after Professor Cozmo and his meteorite sample.

Misty makes an appearance for two episodes at the Mirage Kingdom.Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.